July 8, 2021


Hybrid Events are here to stay. With the unpredictability of in-person attendance, hybrid events are the most efficient way to reach your entire audience. In-person attendees are likely to wait till the last minute to book travel or register for an event and no-shows are likely to rise. As attendees and planners both navigate the shifts in regulations, attendees are less likely to make plans as they navigate their own comfort levels. 

With this in mind, virtual event platforms have continued to build out and upgrade their systems to reproduce an experience similar to in-person gatherings. A lot of effort has gone into platforms like Airmeet, Hopin, EarthCoast.LIVE, and Brella, as they are expanding their services and dialing in their user experience. Using a virtual event platform to your advantage means creating unique and exclusive content only for the online audience. This will make a huge difference for the at-home user experience and engage the audience in distinctive ways. 

With the unpredictability of

in-person attendance,

hybrid events are the most efficient way to reach your entire audience.


Traditionally, in-person experiences were at the center of event planners’ minds. Virtual experiences were often an add-on or an afterthought. Now, we may see a shift in planning order. Virtual attendance will be at the base of planning with in-person experiences becoming the additional component. Even as people crave in-person connections again, hybrid events combine the best of both worlds. 


Going virtual invites many new opportunities for marketing. The time has come to stop thinking of your event as a revenue source, but a marketing source. Your company can charge less (or nothing at all) for attendance to a virtual conference as opposed to hefty in-person-priced tickets. This will likely increase your virtual attendance numbers and therefore your potential customer base. Moving away from a revenue-based approach towards a marketing first approach, leaves room to build a truly unique and exclusive experience for your online audience and focus your marketing efforts on them while still charging for various tiers of tickets.

The time has come to stop thinking of your event as a revenue source, but a marketing source.

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As we continue with the second half of 2021 and start planning 2022, it’s important to keep your head in the virtual event space. New technologies are being created and the user experience online is better than ever. There are massive opportunities for proper planning, promoting, and producing your next virtual event. 

Have an event planned for 2021 or 2022?

Schedule your complimentary Discovery Call and let Earth Coast Productions help you execute your custom virtual experience.

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Earth Coast Productions
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Earth Coast Productions

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