Planning a Successful Hybrid

Multi-Day Event


Hybrid Events are not just an extension of your company; they are a powerful medium to amplify your organization’s message, connect with a wider audience, and drive meaningful impacts & outcomes. 

This guide empowers you to  set big goals confidently and map out how to accomplish them. 

You'll learn to craft an event on a solid foundation, providing structure and leadership to inspire your team. The result is a flawless event experience for attendees, sponsors, and partners alike. Our step-by-step process ensures every aspect of event planning is covered—from assembling your team and defining your purpose to choosing the right event platform, executing a strategic marketing campaign, and leveraging your content afterward.

This guide covers all aspects of event production, from the financial model to marketing and technology selection, and extends through post-event analysis and content distribution. 

Start With Purpose

Every successful event starts with purpose. Clearly defining the goals and objectives in a measurable way should always be the first step. Then you can step back to understand how those goals support your organization's core purpose. When the event’s goals are driven by the organization's mission, the entire team can be inspired by the larger vision, and motivated towards the events goals. This creates a unified team, energized by purpose, and keeps them focused on achieving results that truly make an impact.

With Earth Coast, you can craft unforgettable experiences for your attendees, 

achieve tangible successes, and leave lasting impressions.


Assigning Executive Leadership

These 3 individuals or areas of responsibility provide leadership and manage the whole event team. 

We want to first get the executive leadership team clear on the goals and desired impact of the event. 

Then they can build the production team.

After assigning the team, getting clarity on the bigger picture goals and desired impacts that an event will have, you can then assign roles and event leadership. Using the Event Success Strategy System, we assign the vision and strategy to one person who then works closely with the Event Team Lead to build out the production team and assign roles. 

An organization’s or department’s management typically approves budgets and big-picture outcomes for an event. The Team Lead then builds out the strategy to accomplish this.

Strong leadership is foundational to event. With our system, you can have the confidence to commit to big goals.

  • Organization’s Leadership Team (Leadership / executive team for the organization or department) These people usually own the organization who is running the event, and help direct the big picture goals / approve budgets
  • Event Team Lead (Could be internal or external) This position runs the production and assigns the whole team / areas of responsibility
  • Event Success Strategist (Responsible for building out and aligning the strategy)  This role is responsible for aligning the organization’s mission, event goals, event strategy, financial model, and marketing all together, as well as leveraging post-production. They are where the buck stops from a success or failure perspective.


Purpose Alignment, Goals, & Core Drivers

1. Purpose & Alignment

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What is the purpose of your organization? 
  • What is the of the event? 
    • How does the event align with your organizations purpose? 

2. Goals & Core Drivers

Notes on goals: Goals should be clearly stated and measurable. They can serve as a way of rallying all stakeholders to work together and see the goals accomplished. We can be seen as a leader in this way, strategically using each person to the best of their ability, each with their own sub-goals. 

  • GOALS: What are the goals of the event?
  • ALIGNMENT: How do these goals support the organization’s purpose?
  • CORE DRIVERS & STAKEHOLDERS: What are the core drivers of success of these goals? Then include the metrics that measure the success of these goals.
    • Notes on Core Drivers: This is likely the most difficult and important phase of the success strategy as it requires significant creative energy and insight. Core drivers are all of the end-metrics that need to happen in order for an event to be successful. The assets are built to capture all the critical failures in this process, and the Core Drivers are key in providing some of the things that need to happen. 
    • Additional notes on stakeholders: An underlaying goal of every event is to deliver maximum value to the event attendees, partners, event sponsors, local community, etc (these are just some of the stakeholders). This can be measured with some in-event metrics, as well as receiving and average of 8+ (out of 10) stars and great reviews on each of the post-event surveys. “What is each stakeholder looking to get out of the event? How can we ensure they get this, and also measure it?”

3. Strategy & Financial Model


Here we support the purpose and goals by making a strategy to achieve the core drivers for success of the event. This segways into the financial model and marketing strategy.

  •  Who is the ideal attendee/client? Where can they be reached? And how can you best reach them? 
  • What are their behaviors? How do they consume their media. 

Financial Model:

The next step is looking at the Financial Model that supports these goals. Having a strong financial model benefits everyone as it enables the organization to deliver the best product. It also ensures that the event has a future as a profitable endeavor over time.

  • What is the revenue model for the event? (ticket sales, advertisers/sponsors, company moral and team-building, etc)
  • What is the measurable impact of the event?
  • What is the budget for the stated impact?
  • What are the measures for success of that impact?
  • List out some risks and how they can be mitigated? (core drivers and critical failures)

Strategy & Financial Model

  • Revenue Streams: 
    • What are the primary and secondary sources of revenue for the event? Consider ticket sales, sponsorships, merchandise, online content, etc.
    • How will pricing strategies for different segments (e.g., early bird, VIP, general admission) affect revenue?
  • Cost Structure:
    What are the major cost drivers for the event, and how are they categorized (fixed vs. variable costs)?
    How will you manage costs without compromising the quality and experience of the event?
  • Budget Allocation:
    • How is the budget allocated across different areas such as marketing, talent/performers, venue, technology, and staff?
    • What strategies are in place for cost-effective budget management and allocation?
  • Financial Projections:
    • What are the projected revenues, costs, and profits for the event? Include best-case, worst-case, and most-likely scenarios.
    • How do these projections support the sustainability and growth of the event in the long term?
  • Break-even Analysis:
    • At what point does the event break even in terms of attendees or revenue?
    • How does the break-even point influence pricing, marketing, and operational decisions?
  • Investment and Funding:
    • What are the initial investment requirements, and how will they be financed (e.g., self-funded, sponsors, investors)?
    • Are there opportunities for reinvestment of profits to enhance future events?
  • Risks and Mitigation:
    • What are the financial risks associated with the event (e.g., low ticket sales, increased costs), and how will they be mitigated?
    • How will unforeseen circumstances, such as weather or health emergencies, impact the financial model, and what contingencies are in place?
  • Cash Flow Management:
    • How will cash flow be managed before, during, and after the event to ensure operational liquidity and financial stability?
    • What are the terms for payments to vendors, sponsors, and partners, and how do these terms affect cash flow?
  • Financial Controls and Monitoring:
    • What financial controls are in place to prevent overspending and ensure adherence to the budget?
    • How will financial performance be monitored throughout the planning and execution phases of the event?
  • Return on Investment (ROI) and Impact Measurement:
    • How will the ROI be measured for stakeholders, including organizers, sponsors, and the community?
    • What are the qualitative and quantitative impacts of the event on the community, industry, or target audience, and how are they measured?

Addressing these questions in the Financial Model section will not only facilitate a thorough planning process but also enhance the overall strategic approach to organizing a successful and financially viable event.

4. Marketing Alignment

Identifying which core drivers will be part of the Critical Path and what the exact numbers are which have to be met.
You have to market in-line with your financial model, lets say to achieve minimum ticket sales or reach critical mass for participation, etc.
Specificity and targeted campaigns are built in-line with the goals you have defined.


Assigning the Right Team & Areas of Responsibility: Crew

Each of the areas below need to be assigned to a team member. While a single person can hold multiple positions, and some events will only need minimal input in certain areas, it is critical to consider every area as you plan the event. 
Using the event positions in this guide, you can ensure that you have all areas covered.
Assign you team to the following positions:
Creative Strategy
  • Marketing Director
  • Conference Director / Producer
  • Executive Management
Pre-Production Team 
  • Sales Director (Ticket Sales, Sponsorship Packages, Partnership Opportunities)
  • Customer Support
  • Event Planning
  • Content Director
    • Presenters & Speaker Manager / Rep
    • ROS Manager
    • Sponsors & Partner Rep 
  • Platform Director
    • Platform Technician 
    • Branding, Education, & Resources Manager
    • Community Manager / Rep 
    • Interactive & Gamification Rep
Production Team 
  • Live Broadcast Director 
    • Tech Director
    • Camera Operator(s)
    • Audio Technician 
    • VFX Technician 
    • Platform Tech Support
  • Event Coordinator 
    • Sessions & Schedule Manager 
    • Event MC 
    • Presenters Liaison
    • Green Room Manager
    • Food & Beverage Manager
    • Volunteer Coordinator
    • Hospitality Manager
    • Security & Parking
Post-Production & Distribution Team
  • Media Strategy 
  • Content Manager
  • Video Production Editor 
  • Marketing & Brand Manager
  • Content Distribution Manager
    • Partnerships 
    • Copywriting & Content Creation 
    • Graphic Design & Branding 
    • Web Design & Online Presence 
    • Ad & Campaigns Management
    • Analytics & Metrics

Areas of Responsibility

When organizing an event and assigning the right team and areas of responsibility, it's crucial to have a structured approach to ensure all facets of the event are adequately managed. Here are questions that can guide the assignment of team members to various positions, considering the breadth of responsibilities each role entails:

  1. Creative Strategy: Vision and creative direction for the event's theme, message, and overall experience.
  2. Marketing Strategy: Development and execution of marketing plans to meet attendance and engagement objectives.
  3. Conference Production: Overall event management, including coordination among different departments for seamless execution.
  4. Executive Oversight: Strategic direction, financial oversight, and ensuring alignment among various stakeholders.
  5. Pre-Production Planning: Initial planning stages, including venue selection, scheduling, and vendor contracts.
  6. Sales & Revenue Generation: Management of ticket sales, sponsorships, and partnership opportunities to maximize event revenue.
  7. Customer Support & Experience: Handling attendee inquiries, feedback, and ensuring a positive overall participant experience.
  8. Logistical Event Planning: Management of logistical aspects such as venue, catering, and transportation.
  9. Content Development & Curation: Oversight of event content, including sessions, workshops, and keynotes, to align with event goals.
  10. Presenter & Speaker Coordination: Management of relationships with speakers and presenters, including selection, briefing, and on-site support.
  11. Run of Show Management: Detailed schedule management and timing, ensuring the event runs according to plan.
  12. Sponsor & Partner Relations: Management of sponsor and partner contributions, benefits, and integration into the event.
  13. Event Platform Management: Selection and management of the digital or physical platform to support event needs.
  14. Technical Platform Support: Technical setup, troubleshooting, and support for the event platform.
  15. Branding & Educational Resources: Development and management of branding materials and educational content related to the event.
  16. Community Engagement: Building and engaging with the event's community to foster connections and discussion.
  17. Interactivity & Engagement Strategies: Design and implementation of interactive elements and gamification to enhance attendee engagement.
  18. Production Coordination: Coordination of production aspects to ensure high-quality production values.
  19. Broadcast & Live Streaming: Oversight of live event broadcasting, ensuring production quality and execution.
  20. Technical Direction: Management of all technical aspects of the event, ensuring quality and reliability.
  21. Video & Audio Production: High-quality capture and production of event video and audio content.
  22. Technical Support for Attendees & Presenters: Providing technical assistance to participants and presenters for a smooth experience.
  23. Event Day Coordination: Day-to-day management of the event, ensuring smooth operation and coordination.
  24. Program & Schedule Management: Development and management of the event's program and schedule.
  25. Hosting & Facilitation: Facilitating the event, guiding attendees through the program, and maintaining engagement.
  26. Liaison for Presenters: Main point of contact for presenters, assisting with their preparation and needs.
  27. VIP & Speaker Hospitality: Management of green room and hospitality for presenters and VIPs.
  28. Catering & Refreshments: Oversight of food and beverage services, ensuring quality and attendee satisfaction.
  29. Volunteer Management: Recruitment, training, and management of volunteers to support the event.
  30. Attendee Hospitality: Ensuring a welcoming and comfortable experience for all attendees.
  31. Safety & Logistics: Management of security measures, parking, and overall event safety and logistics.
  32. Post-Event Content Management: Handling the post-event processing, editing, and distribution of event content.
  33. Post-Event Media & PR: Development of post-event media strategy and management of public relations.
  34. Content Repurposing & Distribution: Managing the distribution of event content across various platforms post-event.
  35. Ongoing Partnerships Development: Management and development of new partnerships to extend event reach and impact.
  36. Content & Copywriting: Production of compelling event-related content and copy for various platforms.
  37. Design & Branding: Creation of visual materials and maintenance of event branding consistency.
  38. Web Presence & Digital Engagement: Management of the event's online presence, including website and social media.
  39. Advertising & Campaign Management: Design and execution of advertising campaigns to promote the event.
  40. Data Analysis & Insights: Collection and analysis of data to inform future event planning and marketing strategies.

This approach ensures a clear focus on the areas of responsibility, facilitating a comprehensive understanding 

of all aspects involved in organizing a successful event.


Selecting the Right 

Platform Technology

The platform that you choose will significantly influence the delivery of the event.
Here are the factors that go into selecting the best platform.

Event Type Inclusivity
  • In-Person
  • Virtual
  • Hybrid
  • Webinars

Platform Requirements

  • Nice to have
  • Need to have

Platform - Feature Set

  • Event registration
  • Onsite services
  • Event Engagement
    • Experiential
  • Event networking
  • Event marketing
  • Mobile event app
  • Event analytics
  • Recording & Replay functionality
  • Platform security

Platform - Cost & Timeline

  • **need info here**

Platform Event Type

In-Person, Virtual, Hybrid, Webinar

Event Type Compatibility:

  • Does the platform support the specific type of event you are planning (in-person, virtual, hybrid, webinars)?
  • How does the platform tailor its features to accommodate the unique needs of each event type?

Platform Requirements

Essential vs. Desirable Features:
What are the "need to have" features for the platform to ensure the event runs smoothly?
What are the "nice to have" features that would enhance the event experience but are not critical?

Platform Feature Sets

Considerations on platform features - 

  1. Event Registration:
    How does the platform manage event registration and attendee data collection?
    Are there customizable options for registration forms to capture specific attendee information?
  2. Onsite Services (for in-person and hybrid events):
    Does the platform offer solutions for onsite check-in, badge printing, and attendee tracking?
    How does it integrate with other event management tools or services?
  3. Event Engagement:
    What features does the platform offer to boost attendee engagement during the event (e.g., live polling, Q&A sessions, interactive sessions)?
    How easy is it for attendees to participate and interact using these features?
  4. Experiential Elements:
    Can the platform support experiential elements such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), or other immersive experiences?
    How can these technologies be integrated into the event to enhance the attendee experience?
  5. Event Networking:
    What tools does the platform provide for attendee networking, such as chat rooms, meeting schedulers, or networking lounges?
    How does it facilitate meaningful connections among participants?
  6. Event Marketing:
    Does the platform offer integrated marketing tools or integrations with external marketing software?
    How can it support the promotion of the event through email campaigns, social media, or targeted ads?
  7. Mobile Event App:
    Is there a mobile app available that attendees can use for scheduling, networking, and accessing event content?
    How does the mobile app enhance the attendee experience and engagement?
  8. Event Analytics:
    What analytics and reporting tools does the platform provide to track engagement, attendance, and other key metrics?
    How can this data be used to assess the event's success and inform future event planning?
  9. Recording & Replay Functionality:
    Does the platform offer the ability to record sessions and make them available for replay?
    How can attendees access recorded content, and for how long after the event?
  10. Platform Security:
    What security measures does the platform have in place to protect attendee data and ensure a safe event environment?
    How does it comply with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR)?

Platform Cost & Timeline

  1. Cost Considerations:
    What is the pricing structure of the platform, and how does it fit within the event budget?
    Are there any hidden costs or potential fees for additional features or services?
  2. Implementation Timeline:
    How long does it take to set up and customize the platform for your event?
    What support is available during the setup process and throughout the event?

STEP 5: 

Event Documents

& Assets 

NOTES: The following sections deal with the production from beginning to end. Earth Coast adds value by providing known requirements for each event and areas that the team can tick off on. This includes the Sponsor and Partner Rep getting goals from the sponsors, event attendees and marketing being managed through a potentially native CRM, graphic design being created and managed by someone who sets the standards, etc.

This is where the fun starts! Building out the core event documents is where success is achieved. 


These Event Blueprint Documents are where the event comes to life and brings the whole team together. Having all of the positions assigned, you can be sure all 42 roles are working together inside of the 5 Event Blueprint Documents.

  1. Run of Show
  2. Pre-recorded content
  3. Speakers & Sponsors Bios / Info
  4. Production Tech Brief
  5. Platform Tech Brief
  6. Sales & Marketing Brief - Assets & Strategy

Pre-Production & Foundational Documents

In this step of event planning, focusing on pre-production, you're tasked with creating foundational documents that will guide the execution of the event, ensuring coherence and coordination among all team members. Here are questions to guide the development and utilization of each of the five Event Blueprint Documents:

Run of Show

  • Comprehensive Outline:
    • How does the Run of Show document outline every segment of the event, including timings, speakers, and transitions?
    • How is this document used to synchronize all team members, especially during live segments?

Pre-Recorded Content

  • Content Planning:
    • How is pre-recorded content planned, produced, and scheduled within the event's agenda?
    • What measures are in place to ensure this content is aligned with the event's themes and goals?

Speakers & Sponsors Bios / Info

  • Information Compilation::
    • How are the bios and relevant information of speakers and sponsors compiled and utilized to promote engagement?
    • In what ways are these details integrated into the event's marketing materials and platform?

Production Tech Brief

  • Information Compilation:
    • What technical specifications and requirements are outlined in the Production Tech Brief to ensure a smooth execution?
    • How does this document facilitate communication between the production team and other technical vendors or partners?

Platform Tech Brief

  • Platform Integration:
    • How does the Platform Tech Brief detail the setup, features, and functionalities of the chosen event platform?
    • What guidelines are provided for troubleshooting and technical support during the event?

In creating a visual representation that illustrates how all 42 roles contribute to the development and refinement of these five Event Blueprint Documents, you highlight the collaborative effort required to bring the event to life. This visualization serves as a powerful tool to ensure every team member understands their role in the context of the broader event execution strategy, fostering a unified approach to achieving event success.


Sales & Marketing

This is one of the most important parts of an event!!! Implementing a solid sales and marketing strategy can make or break an event. Along with pre-production, this is where the vast majority of effort goes, as this is where the most leverage is had. Focus on marketing, and you will win!

  • Goals & Metrics
  • Media and Sales Materials
  • Marketing Strategy & Channels
  • Implementation, Measuring, & Refinement
  • Pre-Event Push (executing the planned finish-line rally)


For a detailed and strategic approach to the Marketing section, focusing on aligning with the financial model and achieving critical goals, the following questions can guide the development of a targeted and effective marketing strategy:

Target Audience Identification:
  • Who is the specific target audience for the event, and how do their demographics, interests, and behaviors align with the event's goals?
  • How does the target audience influence the choice of marketing channels and messages?
Marketing Objectives:
  • What are the specific marketing objectives that align with the financial goals, such as minimum ticket sales, sponsorship targets, or participant engagement levels?
  • How are these objectives quantified and measured over time?

Critical Path and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
  • What are the critical marketing milestones that must be achieved to stay on the path to success, and by when?
  • What KPIs will be used to measure the effectiveness and progress of marketing activities towards achieving these milestones?
Budget for Marketing:
  • How is the marketing budget determined based on the overall financial model and projected ROI?
  • How will the marketing budget be allocated across different channels and campaigns to maximize impact?
Channel Strategy:
  • Which marketing channels (e.g., social media, email marketing, traditional media, partnerships) are most effective for reaching the target audience and achieving marketing objectives?
  • How will the marketing mix be adjusted based on performance and audience engagement metrics?
Content and Messaging:
  • What key messages and value propositions will resonate with the target audience and encourage them to participate in the event?
  • How will content be tailored to different channels and audience segments to maximize relevance and engagement?
Digital Marketing and Social Media:
  • How will digital marketing and social media be leveraged to engage with the target audience, build community, and drive ticket sales or participation?
  • What strategies will be used to optimize ad spend, track conversions, and analyze user behavior?
Partnerships and Sponsorships:
  • How will partnerships with brands, influencers, or other organizations be used to expand reach and credibility?
  • What mutually beneficial arrangements can be made with sponsors to enhance marketing efforts and meet financial objectives?
Promotions and Incentives:
  • What promotional strategies or incentives (e.g., early bird discounts, group packages, referral bonuses) will be implemented to encourage early and increased participation?
  • How will these promotions be communicated to ensure they reach and motivate the target audience?
Feedback Loops and Adaptation:
  • How will feedback from marketing analytics, participant responses, and market trends be used to continually adapt and improve marketing strategies?
  • What mechanisms are in place to quickly respond to opportunities or challenges identified through marketing data analysis?
Post-Event Marketing:
  • How will marketing continue post-event to maintain engagement, gather feedback, and build a foundation for future events?
  • What strategies will be used to convert attendees into advocates who can help amplify marketing efforts through word-of-mouth and social sharing?

By addressing these questions in the Marketing section, event organizers can ensure their marketing efforts are closely aligned with financial objectives, targeted towards the right audience, and flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances, thereby maximizing the event's chances of success.


Execution & Production

This is the part where all of the planning and preparation pays off! 

All 42 assigned areas of responsibility have worked together inside of the 5 Event Blueprint Documents to prepare each detail for production day. The magic happens when everyone is able to be on the same page following along the Run of Show, and using the prepared info. When the entire production team is aligned and working together inside of the Event Blueprint Documents, Production is a breeze and feels like the reward after all the hard work in Pre-Production.

NOTE: Marketing is included in this section because it is part of the production. Pre-Production is responsible for planning the marketing strategy, building out the marketing assets such as videos, photos, copy, and preparing the sales materiels and team. Production is seeing that plan be executed inside of the defined strategy.

Market the event, and execute the production. ((If marketing is a separate step it shouldn't be here - Ray))

Preparing for Production


  1. Run of Show
  2. Pre-recorded content
  3. Speakers & Sponsors Bios / Info
  4. Production Tech Brief
  5. Platform Tech Brief
  6. Sales & Marketing Brief - Assets & Strategy


  1. Comprehensive: includes all areas

Areas of Responsibility - Executing on the goals

  1. Confirm all team members are ready and aware of exact roles and responsibilities
  2. Timeline & Dependencies

  1. Setup
  2. All Systems Go
  3. Production
  4. Tech Support
  5. Contingency Backup

Notes on Production

Live Broadcast Director

  1. Tech Director
  2. Camera Operator(s)
  3. Audio Technician
  4. VFX Technician
  5. Tech Support - Platform

Event Coordinator

  1. Sessions & Schedule Manager
  2. MC
  3. Presenters Liaison
  4. Green Room Manager
  5. Food & Beverage Manager
  6. Volunteer Coordinator
  7. Hospitality Manager
  8. Security & Parking

Marketing & Prep 

For a successful Execution and Production of an event, careful attention to the roles and responsibilities, as well as the coordination of various components, is crucial. Here are guiding questions to ensure each aspect of this phase is meticulously planned and executed:

Market the Event:
  • Final Push: 
    • How are the final marketing efforts being intensified to maximize attendance and engagement?
    • What channels are being prioritized, and how are messaging strategies adapted to the imminent approach of the event?
Preparing for Production:
  • Final Preparations:
    • How is the production team finalizing the setup and ensuring all technical equipment is tested and ready?
    • What rehearsals or walkthroughs are conducted to ensure smooth execution?



Venue and Platform Readiness:

    How is the physical or virtual event space being prepared to accommodate attendees, presenters, and activities?

    What are the key tasks for the setup team to ensure the venue or platform is fully operational?

All Systems Go

Final Checks:

    How are the final system checks being conducted to ensure all technical systems are functioning as expected?

    What protocols are in place for rapid response to any technical issues discovered during these checks?



    How is the production team managing the live aspects of the event, ensuring adherence to the Run of Show?

    What communication systems are in place to keep all team members connected and informed throughout the event?

Tech Support

Ongoing Support:

    How is the tech support team addressing any issues that arise with the platform, equipment, or attendee access?

    What mechanisms are in place for attendees and presenters to quickly get technical help?

Contingency Backups

Plan B:

    What contingency plans are in place for critical failures, such as power outages, internet disruptions, or equipment failures?

    How quickly can the team switch to backup systems or platforms if needed?

Production Roles

Live Broadcast Director

Broadcast Quality:

    How is the Live Broadcast Director ensuring the broadcast quality is maintained throughout the event?

    What measures are in place to manage transitions, features, and live content effectively?

Tech Director

Technical Oversight:

    How is the Tech Director coordinating the technical aspects of the event to ensure smooth operation?

    What strategies are implemented for quick problem-solving and decision-making?

Camera Operator(s), Audio Technician, VFX Technician

Content Capture:

    How are these technicians working together to ensure high-quality video, audio, and special effects?

    What preparations have been made to adapt to dynamic event conditions?

Tech Support - Platform

Platform Stability:

    How is the platform tech support team ensuring the stability and reliability of the event platform?

    What real-time monitoring is in place to preemptively address potential issues?

Event Coordinator

Overall Coordination:

    How is the Event Coordinator overseeing the execution of the event, ensuring all components come together seamlessly?

    What tools are being used for real-time communication and coordination?

Sessions & Schedule Manager, MC, Presenters Liaison

Content Flow:

    How are these roles collaborating to manage the schedule, transitions, and presentation flow?

    What backup plans are in place for schedule disruptions or changes?

Green Room Manager, Food & Beverage Manager, Volunteer Coordinator, Hospitality Manager, Security & Parking

Attendee Experience:

    How are these team members ensuring a positive experience for attendees, whether in-person or virtually?

    What measures are in place to address attendee needs, safety, and comfort throughout the event?


Maximizing Impact & Post-Production

Leverage the content and maximize the impact with post-production
THIS** is how you do that

Making The Most - Post Production

  • Maximizing use of content
  • Distribution
  • Interpreting analytics
  • Gathering feedback

Incorporating Lessons into

Future Events


Notes on Post Production:

  • Media Strategy
  • Content Management
  • Video Production & Editing
  • Marketing and Brand Management
  • Content Distribution
    • Partnerships
    • Copywriting & Content Creation
    • Graphic Design & Branding
    • Web Design & Online Presence
    • Ad & Campaigns Management
    • Analytics and Metrics

Maximizing Use of Content

Content Repurposing: Identify key takeaways, sessions, and moments from the conference that can be repackaged into various formats such as blog posts, podcasts, video highlights, and social media snippets to engage different audience segments.

Content Archiving: Create an accessible digital library of the event’s content for attendees and those who could not attend, ensuring the knowledge shared at the conference continues to benefit people long after its conclusion.


Multi-Channel Distribution: Utilize multiple platforms (social media, email newsletters, professional networks, etc.) to distribute repurposed content, reaching a wider audience and engaging participants with varying preferences.

Partnership Utilization: Work with media partners, sponsors, and industry influencers to further distribute content and reach audiences beyond your immediate network.

Interpreting Analytics

Engagement Analysis: Use analytics tools to measure the reach, engagement, and impact of distributed content, identifying what resonates most with your audience.

Event Performance Metrics: Analyze participant engagement, session attendance, and feedback to gauge the overall success of the event and inform future planning.

Gathering Feedback

Surveys and Feedback Forms: Collect feedback from attendees, speakers, sponsors, and staff to understand their experiences, preferences, and areas for improvement.

Community Engagement: Engage with your audience through social media and forums to gather informal feedback and foster a sense of community.

Incorporating Lessons into Future Events

Actionable Insights: Use the feedback and analytics to derive actionable insights that can help refine and improve future event planning and execution.

Continuous Improvement: Implement changes and enhancements based on lessons learned to ensure each event is more successful than the last.

Notes on Post-Production

Media Strategy: Develop a strategic plan for how and where to share your content to maximize impact.
Content Management: Organize and manage your content efficiently for easy access and distribution.
Video Production & Editing: Edit video content to create engaging clips and highlights for various platforms.
Marketing and Brand Management: Ensure that all content aligns with your brand and contributes to a cohesive marketing message.
Content Distribution: Plan and execute the distribution of content across chosen platforms.
Partnerships: Collaborate with partners for content sharing and co-marketing opportunities.
Copywriting & Content Creation: Create compelling written content that captures the essence of your event and key messages.
Graphic Design & Branding: Design visually appealing content that aligns with your brand identity.
Web Design & Online Presence: Update your website and online platforms to reflect post-event content and insights.
Ad & Campaigns Management: Run targeted advertising campaigns to promote post-event content.
Analytics and Metrics: Use data analytics to track the performance of your content and understand audience behavior.